Friday, February 16, 2007

Hello for the first time!

I thought that I would share a little bit about my experiences about going to Malawi with my son and Clint. It truly was a wonderful experience full of laughter, tears, joy and heart-break. I'm not a super emotional person (as most of you know) but boy, did I ever shed alot of tears in both Malawi and here at home. (Before I left and after) I will start from the beginning as much as I can and interject modern day in here and there, just for interesting reading!!)

God spoke a mighty word into my son back in May 2006, and being his parents, Andrew and I had to honour what God had told Jaako to do. It was our job as his parents to ensure that Jaako was able to walk out in what God told him to do. It was both an honour and a chore at times. I've wept many hours asking God how this was to happen. You see, Jaako's faith was much stronger than mine. In many times, it was Jaako's trust and faith in God that actually carried me through when I wanted to quit. But we have now been to Malawi and back and God has put in me such a passion for the people in Malawi. God has given me my own vision that compliments and works with Jaako's vision. We serve a faithful God guys. In the beginning I never imagined that we would actually make it to Malawi. But we did and God enabled it every step of the way. We had alot of bumps in the road and we prayed lots and worked hard and it was very rewarding.

It was an honour and a joy to be led by my son in this mission. A child shall lead.........
I'm so very proud of Jaako and what he has done. He could have just ignored God's call and went on playing hockey and playing with his friends. But he didn't, he grabbed a hold of what God called him to do and he made it happen. He hounded me until I agreed to help him. Thanks Jaako for teaching me how to be led. It's been a wonderful experience and I wouldn't trade it for anything!!! Thanks to everybody that partnered with us to make this happen. I know that many of you have prayed for us countless hours and it is so appreciated!! Most of all I thank God that he chose to use a child to accomplish His Will and allowed us to see that our children are leaders. They have the right to lead and we have the obligation and honour to follow.


shawne said...

hey sue i see you linked up to jaako. cool

shawne said...

hey sue i see you linked up to jaako. cool