Thursday, March 8, 2007

Baby and Blanket

I remembered a cute story today as we were doing a presentation to the kids at St. Bernards. I was reminded that at one of the villages, a group of ladies sang a few songs for us. Oh how beautiful it sounded. The harmony and just plain volume of it mesmerized me. When I finally came back to reality, I noticed that most women had a baby strapped to their backs, a few didn't. In the middle of the second song, a little girl about a year old, toddled up to her mom dragging a blanket behind her on the dirt floor. It reminded me of our kids with their favourite blankies and such. This little girl walked right up to her mom, tugged on her moms skirt and gave her the blanket. Her mom grabbed her by the arm like a monkey and slung her on her back and then she bent over and wrapped the blanket around her daughter and herself, all the while not missing one note of the song! It was just amazing to watch. These blankets are like soothers, teddy bears, receiving blankets etc. It brings comfort to the child as they are strapped to their mothers back. When they were strapped on their mothers back, I rarely saw a baby crying or making a fuss. Only when they were hungry and the mothers remedied that quickly. I have never in my life seen such content infants. The closeness to their mother or sister, brought comfort, contentment and quitness to the babies. I think their culture has something on our North American Culture. If I was younger and just starting to have my kids, I think I would try it. It just seemed to create a bond that was so strong and unique. I loved watching them.

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